Central Texas winter storm: Out-of-state plumbers coming to help

Water Mission spends weeks in Austin helping those devastated by the winter storm.

AUSTIN, Texas – The residents of Texas are still grappling with the aftermath of the winter storms that devastated the Lone Star State.

Some homes are still running out of water, and residents are being told it could be until April or May for local plumbers to fix broken pipes.

Mission Water is helping now. Plumbers from across the country have come to the Central Texas area to provide free service to residents in need.

“If you have no water, you have no life, you cannot sustain life, you cannot maintain sanitation,” said Paul Mitchell of Paul Mitchell Plumbing LLC, who traveled from Ohio to help.

Water Mission is a global non-profit Christian engineering organization that has been responding to the Austin area’s plumbing crisis for a week.

“It just means the world,” said John Peays, water mission director for global partnerships. “They come from all over the country. They came to help people, didn’t ask many questions, they just showed up. They filled their trucks with materials and they just said where we can go.”

Peays believes it will take a month or two to help those in need in the Central Texas area, and they are doing all of this for free.

If you are a homeowner in need of a plumbing repair, you can call the Crisis Recovery Hotline at 1-800-329-8052.


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