Guidelines For Maintaining Your Septic System

Anyone whose home has a sewage treatment system should read these guidelines on how to properly maintain a sewage treatment system for Anne Arundel County residential property.

What maintenance do I have to do on my septic system?

Regular inspections and regular pumping of septic tanks by a licensed liquid waste carrier are essential for the long-term care and maintenance of your sewage treatment plant. The most common reasons for septic tank failure are improper use and the lack of regular septic tank pumps. A septic tank is designed so that solids and other materials settle out and form a layer of sludge at the bottom of your tank. A licensed liquid waste carrier removes this layer to prevent solids from clogging your disposal system and causing premature system failure. Proper maintenance of the system is the responsibility of the property owner. By following a few simple maintenance procedures and properly pumping down the system, you can save costly repairs to your treatment system.

If you have a nitrogen-reducing BAT (Best Available Technology) unit in place of a traditional septic tank, Maryland law requires that the BAT be checked by a certified service provider and the necessary operations and maintenance performed at least once a year. The certified service provider will determine all required maintenance work on your BAT unit, including regular pumping. BAT unit owners should have received a homeowner’s guide that describes the proper care and operation of their specific type of BAT unit.

Are there things I should be doing to make sure my septic system is being used properly?

Do not use trash cans or pour edible fats, oils or other materials such as paper towels, hygiene products, condoms, cigarettes or plastics into your septic tank. These materials can clutter your tank and clog your disposal fields. Be careful with the amount of non-biodegradable chemicals used in your sewage treatment plant, such as laundry detergent, bleach, fabric softener and paints. A septic system is a natural living environment, so you want to limit the use of chemicals as much as possible. Practice water saving by washing loads of clothes, fixing leaking faucets and running toilets and installing low flow plumbing fixtures. Do not empty swimming pools or hot tubs into a septic system. The more water you pump through your system, the more stress you put on it. Septic tank additives have not been shown to be effective and are not recommended for use in sewage treatment plants. When landscaping, make sure plants and trees are compatible with your sewage system. Roots can damage pipes and clog the drainage field. Grass is the best type of cover. These simple practices will allow your system to operate at its best and can greatly extend the life of your septic system.

What must be done before a septic tank can be pumped?

Septic tanks are designed as one or two-chamber tanks made of concrete, metal or plastic. Each compartment has a lid at the top to allow access for regular pumping. Each lid is typically covered with 6 inches to 3 feet of earth material. The soil covering each access cover must be removed by the owner before a septic tank can be pumped out. To avoid injury, the access covers may only be removed by an approved liquid waste carrier. A septic tank is a limited space and contains gases that can be fatal. Never climb or step into a septic tank.

BAT owners should refer to their homeowners manual and consult with their certified service provider to discuss the frequency of pumping when servicing the BAT unit.

How often should i pump out my septic tank?

Regularly pumping out septic tanks can save you costly repairs to your sewage system. The frequency of pumping out septic tanks depends on the current use of the system and the number of people living in the household. Pumping out septic tanks for residential use is recommended at least every three years. For more information on the frequency of pumping, contact an approved liquid waste carrier or disposal systems contractor.

How can I ensure my carrier is properly pumping the system?

The best way to ensure proper system pumping is to be there and watch your septic tank pump out. Proper pumping of the system involves removing the contents from each compartment of your septic tank and should only be done through your septic tank access cover.

How can I tell if my septic system has failed?

Look around your septic system area to see if a system overflow or error has occurred. If you notice any signs of stagnant water or areas that appear constantly wet, contact an approved waste management contractor and obtain appropriate county permits to properly repair or replace your treatment plant.

For guidelines on locating your Septic System, see Guidelines for Locating Your Septic System.

Where can I get more information?

Videos on the proper operation and maintenance of your septic system are available from the Department of Health.

Check out videos below.

Click here for a list of Anne Arundel County’s licensed liquid waste transport companies. For waste management companies click here. Lists are also available by calling the Sanitary Engineering Program at 410-222-7189.

If you have any further questions, please contact:
Sanitary engineering program
Anne Arundel County Department of Health
3 Harry S. Truman Parkway
Annapolis, Maryland 21401

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