Pat Sullivan shares basic toilet repairs you can do yourself

Not all toilet repairs come with an expensive call to a plumber.

INDIANAPOLIS – Everyone has to deal with a leaking toilet at one time or another. But not every leak needs a plumber to fix it.

On Sunday August 13th, Pat of Sullivan Hardware and Garden showed where most toilet leaks come from and how a homeowner – or renter – can make simple adjustments to stop the unwanted leak with little effort. Some corrections don’t even require tools.

Leaks often occur where the soft flap seals the tank bottom. When water spills into the bowl, the tank refills, explaining why you can hear your toilet running in the middle of the night. The simple solution is to turn off the water supply on the wall, remove the worn flap and replace it with a new one. Just take the old one with you to the store so you can buy a new hatch to match your existing plumbing.

You can manually adjust other settings to adjust the float level in the tank so that the tank contains more or less water for your rinses.

However, you may need to replace the entire float assembly. This requires emptying the tank and some tools for loosening and tightening the connections. However, the replacement cost of a new float valve is around $ 20.

Pat’s toilet repairs also involve some maintenance on the bowl, including removing rust and hard water.

You can watch all of Pat’s advice from his 13Sunrise segment in the video player.

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