SPCA west of Montreal closed after water pipe break floods shelter causing massive damage

The SPCA west of the island of Montreal is closed and in need of repair after a water pipe burst and the shelter flooded.

The SPCA West in Vaudreuil-Dorion announced on their Facebook page on Friday that 70 percent of their floors and walls had been damaged by water.

The building is insured according to the Post, but the problem the shelter is facing is “more complex”.

“It’s about defining responsibilities, who did the work and which insurer takes on what and to what extent,” the article says.

Staff have started removing furniture so the repair work can begin.

“We have to get our mission back on its feet and continue to rescue and rescue all animals in need,” said the organization.

The post adds and most of the animals at the shelter have been housed and the staff is looking for a home for the rest.

“Today we managed to adopt some lucky cats,” says the organization. “We have to keep moving, remove / repair damaged parts, clean and dispose of damaged items and store the goods, then open the walls and change the plaster and everything that goes with it.”

The SPCA West accepts donations for repairs.

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Read the original article here

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