Storm Sewer Repair Needed on Indianola Square | KNIA KRLS Radio

Rainwater sewer repair required on Indianola Square | KNIA KRLS Radio – The one you can count on

Indianola City Council and Warren County Regulators, at their final meetings, approved a Memorandum of Understanding on the repair of storm sewers on the plaza in downtown Indianola. City Administrator Ryan Waller tells KNIA News during the construction of the Warren County Justice Center and the planning process for the Square Streetscape Project that a collapsed storm sewer was found that could impede further construction.

“This will be a temporary fix that we’re working on together. Then it will be fully repaired once we go through the streetscape project later this year. We wanted to do it now when the snow starts to thaw and there is spring rains, just to make sure the water is getting up and the work on the county’s grounds isn’t damaged. “

Waller also said the construction will close part of the square during this period. For more information, check out today’s Let’s Talk Indianola.


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