Why Designer Molly Britt Added a Foot Pedal to Her Kitchen Sink

How many times have you cooked or cleaned up your kitchen and wished you could turn on the sink without touching it (hello greasy fingers and hands full of dishes)? You could swap out your faucet for a smart faucet that you can control with your voice. However, if you want to work with what you have and just want to upgrade it, designer Molly Britt has an ingenious trick that she uses herself in Kitchen: add a foot pedal.

Single supply pedal box with short pedal

Chicago faucets

$ 194.60

“I highly recommend it for cleanliness and water conservation,” Britt told House Beautiful. “I keep the temperature set on hot and use that 95 percent of the time. There’s also a feature that lets you run the water without standing there. I like this when you’re filling the sink to wash vegetables or to fill a sink with soapy water, wipe things off. “

Britt says she had her plumber install the foot pedal (which came from Pedal Valves) in her kitchen, but noted that it was very easy to do. Britt’s model is a single pedal that works with any faucet. According to the Pedal Valves website, you can adjust the default temperature by leaving the faucet open as it only runs when you step on it or press the toe button to open the pedal (so it keeps running when you aren’t on it like Britt mentioned).

If you are looking to purchase a foot pedal for your own kitchen faucet, you can purchase one from Pedal Valves by contacting them directly or by contacting your local kitchen and bathroom dealer or plumbing supplier. Or you can search for an alternative online – the one shown above by Chicago Faucets is a similar option, but there are others (both single and double pedal options!) At Home Depot, Build.com, and other retailers. However, you can call a plumber for an installation quote and make sure you are purchasing the right option for your sink before you buy. After that no more hands!

Close up of person stepping on foot pedal in kitchen

The pedal in Britt’s kitchen is in use.

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Brittney Morgan is a well-known land mermaid and maiden with a love for handicrafts, red lipstick, and buying way too many pillows.

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